Celebrating Glad to Care Week with Lidder Care

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Glad to Care is a national awareness week that highlights carers, their tireless work, and our appreciation for what they do. For Glad to Care Awareness Week 2024, we delved deeper into the journey of three Lidder Care employees, what motivates them to care and what attracted them to a career in care. 

Care team at Lidder Care homes provide an invaluable service to our residents. We celebrated Glad to Care Week by discovering more about our colleagues at Lowmoor Nursing Home. We spoke to our Nurse, Paul, Deputy Manager, Maggie and Activities and Lifestyle Coordinator, Jo.

Exploring their path into the care sector was inspiring and it was exciting to discover what they love most about working in care.

Maggie, who has been working in care for an impressive 41 years, began her care journey as a Domestic Carer. She said that initially she gave it a go and instantly loved it! 

The most rewarding part of the role?  ‘Making somebody smile every day’, she says. 

Maggie loves building relationships with carers and residents and feels ‘honoured to be looking after other people’s families.’

She added that one of her favourite parts of the job is ‘enhancing the lives of the residents and giving care that improves quality and quantity of life’.

Maggie is Glad to Care because it is inherently important that she ‘makes a difference’ to residents’ lives.

Lowmoor Nursing Home offers specialist nursing care for residents with complex care needs, providing support during the day and night.

Jo, who has worked at Lowmoor Nursing Home for nearly 14 years and currently works as an Activities and Lifestyle Coordinator, enjoys engaging residents and employees with activities.

Jo organises a variety of activities for residents, tailored to their individual interests and hobbies. These include everything from sports-based activities to live performances by the JJ Galway Band. 

Jo embraces the unpredictability of the day. ‘Everyday is different’, she exclaims. ‘You never know what you’re walking into. I care for the love and enjoyment of the job’.

‘Through Covid, as colleagues we gelled together. We had to keep staff morale up as well as the residents. We all supported each other; it didn’t matter what your formal role was’. 

Lidder Care operates two homes across Nottinghamshire. Lowmoor Nursing Home provides specialist care to those with dementia and complex care needs, whilst Newgate Lodge Care Home care to those needing residential care and support. 

Paul, a Nurse at Lowmoor Nursing home, began his care journey through his family traditions of looking after older generations. Since moving to the UK, he has worked in care for 23 years.

When explaining the most rewarding part about working in care, Paul said, ‘I go home feeling fulfilled. I always know that I have done everything I can.’

‘Knowing people will benefit from my knowledge, skills and experience puts a smile on my face’. Paul added, ‘care has its challenges but if you come in with an open mind, you will enjoy it’.

Glad to Care Week 2024 was a wonderful opportunity to highlight our care workers and express our gratitude for the tireless care and support they provide.

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