Staying Safe When Visiting Care Homes

 In Blog, Moving into Care

With the majority of care home residents being elderly and vulnerable, the past few months of protection against Covid-19 has been a huge challenge. As a result, many of the day-to-day processes and features that made up a care home’s community have had to change.

Now more than ever, it’s important to stay and protect your loved ones when visiting and making arrangements for your family at our care homes. See some of our tips for staying safe over the next few months during your visits:


Increased Hygiene & Cleaning 

Deep cleans, touch point cleaning and use of strong sanitisers are just some of the safety protocols that have been put in a place. Whilst staff have received training on new procedures to protect and control infection, they rely heavily on good hygiene, hand washing and mask wearing to be observed by all visitors to their care home.


Maintain Social Distancing In Care Homes

Social distancing should be maintained at all times. We ask that you observe government regulations when spending time with our residents – currently this is 1-metre away when wearing a mask.


Stay Away If You’re Feeling Ill

We ask that any feeling unwell or displaying symptoms of illness stay away from the care home. Even if your symptoms match a common cold instead of Corona, it’s advised that you stay away until you are completely recovered.


Visit The Care Home Alone Where Possible

Wherever possible visit alone. Care homes are discouraging groups of visitors in an effort to limit contact and spread. We can arrange telephone calls or zoom sessions if needed.


Clean Down Items You Bring In

If you’re bringing outside items into the care home then make sure that you clean them down with a sanitising wipe to limit the chance of bringing infection in.


Check The Latest Government Advice 

As the country moves into a tiered system, it’s possible that the advice on visiting care homes in certain areas will change regularly. Check online for the latest regulations or ring ahead to the care home before your visit to get the most up-to-date information on visiting.


Speak To Our Team About Care Home Safety Today

Are you concerned about safety in care homes? Our team are there to help. We understand the huge challenges and sensitive issues around the current environment, which is why we’re working with residents and challenges to protect against Covid and make their daily life as easy and stress-free as possible. If you have concerns or want to find out more about staying safe on your visit, then get in touch today.

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