Nutrition At Newgate Lodge Care Home

Homemade Fresh Food

5 Star Food & Nutrition

Making Mealtimes Special

Our 5* Catering Team make mealtimes a special event, ensuring that they act as a stimulating part of each day. We use fresh ingredients locally sourced by small businesses with the emphasis on providing delicious seasonal meals. Our meals are all homemade and cooked fresh on-site.

We consider mealtimes to be a fundamental part of a resident’s care. Our Catering Manager has an excellent understanding of the nutritional needs of older people and creates meals that offer correct calorific and nutritional content and actively consults residents and their families about food preferences, ensuring that each person satisfies their dietary needs, cravings and nutritional requirements. We cater for a variety of special diets, such as diabetic, coeliac, kidney disease, and dairy/glucose intolerance, working closely with our visiting nutritionists and dieticians.

In the event of any residents experiencing swallowing difficulties, we request referral to the Speech and Language Therapy Team based at Kings Mill Hospital who visit residents to assess their safety in swallowing and give advice for continued nutrition and hydration.

All dining areas are very thoughtfully designed to create protected, quiet areas that promote a dignified, relaxed and happy atmosphere. Each dining area has a ‘menu board’ displaying daily menu choices. We feel it vital that our staff sit with our residents at mealtimes and enjoy eating together.

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Call us on: 01623 622322
Newgate Lane, Mansfield, Nottinghamshire NG18 2LG

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